post renovation cleaning mistakes

6 Post Renovation Cleaning Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Around 27% of homeowners have scheduled a bathroom remodel. Next to the kitchen, bathrooms are the most popular home renovations to date. Living rooms and bedrooms aren’t bad home remodel options either. 

You can redo your whole house if you want to, but you’ll need to clean up the mess when it’s all said and done.

One of the most common post-renovation cleaning mistakes homeowners make is trying to handle the process on their own. It’s something that you should hire professionals for. 

This isn’t the only cleaning error people make. Check out this guide to learn more before the end of your renovation. 

1. Cleaning on Your Own 

Home renovations are a messy business. You can expect your house to be covered in several layers of dirt and grime at the end of the project. 

You won’t be able to tackle the cleaning process with a standard broom and mop. That’s why you should hire a house cleaning service to help you out. They have all the heavy-duty supplies needed to get the job done. 

2. Not Finding a Company That Specializes in Post-Renovation 

Again, standard house cleaning supplies won’t be able to cut through the dirt that comes from a renovation. If you hire a company to do a general cleaning, you’re not going to get the results that you’re after. 

Hire a company that lists cleaning after house renovations as part of the services they provide. 

3. Choosing a Company Based on Price 

When you’re creating your home renovation budget, you should include cleaning. It’s another expense on top of what you’re already spending for the remodel, but splurging a little is worth it. 

If you choose the cheapest maid company available, it may result in an incomplete cleaning. 

4. Waiting Too Long to Schedule a Cleaning 

You should begin shopping around for a company to help you with the post-renovation cleaning process as soon as you schedule your remodel. 

It’s not a simple job, so you have to give companies at least two weeks’ notice. If you wait until the last minute, you might not be able to find an available cleaning service. 

5. Failing to Read Online Reviews 

When searching for post-renovation cleaning companies online, you’re going to see a long list of businesses. Narrow things down by reading reviews. 

You can also get recommendations from friends and family, or ask cleaning companies if you can get in touch with a few of their past clients. 

6. Hiring a Company That Doesn’t Have Insurance

Always make sure a cleaning service has insurance before you hire them. If they don’t, and they damage your brand-new floors, you’ll have to pay for the replacement out of your own pocket. 

Post-Renovation Cleaning Mistakes Everyone Makes 

Home remodels are messy. At the end of your project, your house will be covered in dirt and grime. 

One of the biggest post-renovation cleaning mistakes you can make is trying to handle the job on your own. Contact us today to get a quote on our maid services. 

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